How to Choose a Small Demolition Melbourne Contractor

small demolition Melbourne

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If you need to demolish a house or other building, you need to find an experienced demolition company. They’ll be able to give you the right advice on the best way to go about it and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing a small demolition Melbourne. First of all, make sure that they have all the relevant insurances and licences for the job. This is extremely important as you don’t want to get stuck paying for their mistakes or unfinished work in the long run.

Second, check that they have salvage rights for any materials they remove from your property, which is a great way to save money on your demolition cost while also keeping your building materials out of landfill. This is becoming more common in recent times as it saves you time and money while also helping the environment.

Small demolition Melbourne offer a thorough clean up service after the project is completed. This will ensure that the site is cleaned properly and ready for use again.

Fourth, check that they have all the equipment necessary for the job. Depending on the size of the project, they may need specialist machinery such as cranes and excavators.

The type of building material will affect the demolition cost, for example asbestos clad houses require special removal prior to the demolition while brick and weatherboard houses are cheaper to demolish. If there are any other structures on the site such as a shed, the demolition cost will also increase.

Whether your looking to renovate or demolish a building for a new house, All Gone has a demolition service that will meet your budget and timeframes. We can guide you through all the stages of demolition including planning, arranging council approvals and disposing of waste.

Demolition Services Melbourne (and surrounds)

The cost of demolition will vary depending on the type of building material used, and any additional requirements like tree removals or land clearing to prepare your site for construction. It is best to hire a specialist demolition services Melbourne to provide a free quote and give you an accurate price.

Residential Strip Outs

If you’re planning to remodel your bathroom or kitchen it may be worthwhile having a strip out completed before any other work is done. This process removes things like cabinetry, tiles and floor coverings so that when the work starts the builder can start afresh without any damage to the property.

Asbestos Removal

If your building is asbestos clad it is important to hire a licensed asbestos contractor who can ensure that the site is properly cleaned, and asbestos is not released into the air or soil after demolition has been completed. This is a hazardous process that must be carried out by professionals, and should never be attempted by amateurs.

Salvage Rights

Some demolition contractors work on a ‘with salvage rights’ basis where they can recycle and sell any items they remove from your property, thus reducing the total demolition costs for you. This is a growing industry practice, and it helps keep valuable building materials out of landfill.