The Causes and Solutions for Blocked Drains, Explained by a Professional Plumber

blocked drains Melbourne East

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Blocked drains are a common household problem that can cause a great deal of inconvenience. Blocked drains can disrupt your daily routine and may even cause a health hazard if not addressed immediately. While some blocked drains may appear to be minor, they can lead to extensive damage if not sorted out promptly.

In this article, we will explore the common causes of blocked drains and how to prevent them. As a professional plumber with years of experience, I have seen firsthand the damage that blocked drains can cause if not addressed early.

Causes of Blocked Drains

The most common causes of blocked drains in Melbourne East are grease build-up, foreign objects such as hair and food particles, oil, and soap scum. These culprits can build up in the drain, eventually leading to a blockage. Additionally, tree roots can grow into the drain and cause blockages. It is crucial always to be mindful of what goes down your drain to prevent future blockages.

Indicators of a Blocked Drain

If you have a blocked drain, the indicators of blockage may include bad odors coming from your drains, slow drainage, and gurgling sounds. It is essential to pay attention to these signs and fix the problem early before it leads to more significant problems.

Solutions for Blocked Drains

Some solutions can clear blockages. They include;

  • Boiling water: Hot tap water can help dissolve any grease build-up.
  • Baking soda and vinegar: Mix equal amounts of baking soda and vinegar, pour down the drain, and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with hot water.
  • Plunger: Plunge the drain vigorously to remove any blockages.

If these solutions do not work, it is best to contact a professional plumber. A qualified plumber has the right tools and knowledge to fix the problem correctly.

Prevention of Blocked Drains

The best way to prevent blocked drains is by being mindful of what goes down your drains. Avoid flushing heavy paper towels, hair, and any foreign objects into the drain. Regularly flushing your drains out with boiling water and baking soda and vinegar mix can also help keep your drains in excellent condition.

What to Do When You Have a Blocked Drain

When you have a blocked drain, it is vital to contact a professional plumber in Eastern Suburbs who is qualified and experienced in unblocking drains. A qualified plumber can swiftly and effectively sort out the problem before it worsens.


Blocked drains are a common household problem that can cause a great deal of inconvenience. It is essential to have a basic understanding of the causes of blocked drains and how to prevent them to avoid extensive damage. If you have a blocked drain, do not hesitate to contact a professional plumber who can fix the problem correctly, preventing costly damage.